Photos above taken with my iPhone
Photos taken on the Go-Pro below

The day started early... in fact, we almost missed our ATV tour because we all either slept through our alarms or hit snooze one too many times. We phoned our guide to tell him we would be late -- (he graciously pushed his next tour back an hour so that we could have a full 3-hour experience - so nice!)... The tour was amazing! The 4 of us girls shared 2 ATVs, each taking turns driving. As we passed the last farm on the road and headed off into the hills, our guide promised us for the next 3 hours we would not see any other humans besides the 5 of us. It was an incredible experience! We saw horses, volcanos and waterfalls, drove through streams, mud and almost off a cliff (whoops). We even tipped an ATVs -- thankfully, no injuries. But to top it all off, our guide -- Unnar -- was hilarious, he kept us entertained, laughing the whole time, as he took fantastic pictures of us and the scenery. (See his pictures from our tour on his website) I highly recommend a tour with him!
Read on about the rest of Day 3 in this post... Thanks for following along!
Read on about the rest of Day 3 in this post... Thanks for following along!
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