Well, I'm finally getting around to posting about the last couple days in Iceland... Better late than never right? (See what I wore in this post)
To sum it up, this city is just so cool! I wish we had one extra day to dedicate to exploring the city even more -- there was much more to see. Upon recommendations from friends, we took advantage of a free walking tour (they operate 100% on tips from the guests). Our guide was awesome, hilarious and really insightful. We learned a lot in a short period of time. (Fun fact, Iceland is the safest country in Europe, possibly the world!) The guides are historians and city-lifers, so they offer up some great museums, exhibits, and just other things to do/see in general. So, if you're spending multiple days in the Reykjavik, I recommend taking part of this tour early. The tour lasted only an hour and a half, which was the perfect amount of time for us. Like I said, its not a big city.
We affectionately titled Day 4 "Reykjavik Food Tour". We had done our research and found lots of places we wanted to try... (Guys, we made maps of all the bars and restaurants on our list with photos and corresponding walking distances from the apartment!)
First stop was the Sandholt Bakery for lattes and pastries. I ordered a pastry that I could have sworn the server said had "diamonds" on top -- Kristen is positive they said almonds, but I like my interpretation better. Either way, it was delicious... Next we visited the Kolaportio (Flea Market) for a little shopping, and the Harpa, a concert hall and conference center, designed to represent the balast rock formations found throughout the country. The food tour continued at the Sægreifinn for lobster soup and whale. Yes, whale. Lets just say, it was a cultural experience. We did a little more shopping, before continuing to Stofan Kaffihús for the most delicious chai latte ever. We then met up with our walking tour. After that, Happy Hour.
Some other places on our list (some we made it to, others not) included: KEX // Grai Kotturinn (the Gray Cat) // K-Bar // The Coocoo's Nest // Bæjarins beztu pylsur (translates to the best hot dog in town, it was) // kaffibarinn // C is for Cookie // Loki Café (for Rye Bread Ice Cream) // Icelandic Fish & Chips
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