Hello, and thank you for visiting Style-Blueprint, my digital closet + portfolio. My name is Kristy, and I'm a late 20 something year old, working in Boston as a Junior Architect + Project Manager. I've been working in the design + construction industry since graduation from Roger William's University with a Master's of Architecture degree.
In between working full time, shopping, traveling, studying for my Architectural exams + working part-time behind the net at Fenway Park, you can find me here, blogging my heart out. Style-Blueprint has become my creative outlet, where I share everything from my personal style, fashion, to my latest design (mostly graphic) + inspiration.
Like most things in life, Style-Blueprint will be a work in progress, constantly improving as I hone my photography, web coding, design + style abilities. I hope you enjoy what you see, and continue to check back. Happy Styling.
contact: kristy@style-blueprint.com